What Do You Do When You Have Tried Everything?

Brokenness can be covered with a smile; torment with service, and unhealthy compulsive behavior with secrecy. Most of the time what we see on the outside doesn’t reflect what is going on inside. People can give themselves to the Lord, be baptized, and try to walk in the faith all the while being victimized by spiritual forces that are beyond their control. We live that way, with a smile on our face but with helplessness and hopelessness dwelling deep in our hearts.

Spiritual Interventions, Inc., a Christian deliverance ministry, was created for the purpose of bringing freedom to God’s people, a ministry for those who are caught up in things that are beyond their control in spite of their best attempts to “get it right” this time. It is a ministry that is aimed at Christians who have discovered that, in spite of having or desiring a relationship with the Lord, they are not experiencing the freedom that they were taught to expect and that the Bible says is theirs as one of God’s kids. Counseling, though sometimes helpful, has not resolved the issues. Medication hasn’t provided the relief that had been hoped for. You just can’t “shake” whatever is troubling you. In short, you are stuck.

If you see destructive patterns flowing from one generation to another in your family, if you or a family member have been involved in a false religion or the occult, if you have experienced trauma, or have been a victim; and if you have been involved in long-term beliefs, attitudes, and behavior that would not please God, then there is a high likelihood that you, or others, have opened a door to spiritual forces that are seeking your destruction. If I am describing you, then you have come to the right place. There is hope for you.


From the second that I started reading your book the first time, I knew that God had lead me to you and that I couldn’t wait to meet you.


I have a sense of freedom that I can’t describe. Chains have been broken.


I can honestly say, I can’t ever remember feeling like this. It is soo cool! My head is quiet; it’s just me in there. =D


The change I feel within me is subtle, yet profound. I feel lighter and more peaceful.


The God of the Universe has done an incredible work and I feel so grateful to you and your staff for helping.


My wife noticed a change immediately and I felt that a burden had been lifted from me. Mentally I am in a far better place than I had been.


Since my deliverance, I no longer have to live with shame and guilt that were not really mine to bear.


Many awesome things have come into my life. My eyes are open now and I can hear and see the Holy Spirit moving in me.


Lies are being replaced with truth. Light is being shed on new areas. God is good.

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Spiritual Interventions, Inc.

Biblically Based ~ Psychologically Aware

Seeking help

When Nothing Else Works…

Try a spiritual intervention. Spiritual Interventions, Inc. is a non-profit organization consisting of a growing number of people who want to see God’s kids set free from demonic influence. It developed from Dr. Appleby’s recognition that what he had learned often didn’t help people experience the long-term positive change that they desired. He recognized that something was missing from the counseling process. What was missing, he concluded, was a distinctively biblical “spiritual intervention.” While many of his clients needed counseling, they also needed deliverance to experience the fullness of their promised freedom in Jesus Christ.

Spiritual Interventions, Inc. teaches that hereditary, physiological, psychological, environmental, and spiritual factors all influence an individual’s emotions, thinking, and behavior. While we fully support the appropriate use of medical, psychological, and environmental interventions, we also acknowledge that some problems have a spiritual, even demonic foundation, and are extremely resistant to standard treatment practices. In such cases, we purpose that a biblically grounded spiritual intervention – a deliverance, may be appropriate and even necessary for relief to be obtained. We view deliverance as being a legitimate part of the therapeutic process.

Spiritual Interventions, Inc. was created for the purpose of training counselors, pastors, and laypersons in a method of deliverance that often results in significant long-term positive change. Our goal is to help Christians find relief from their torment when other interventions have not proven fully successful. Spiritual Interventions, Inc. is here to help those who need deliverance, and to train others to assist persons who have no other place to go. The ministry is based near Lynchburg, VA.

Man Standing with his Back Turned on a Rock on top of a Mountain Looking At The Valley

“The Spirit of the Lord is on me because he has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to release the oppressed, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor.” Luke 4:18-19 (NIV)

People Jumping for Joy, Rejoicing in the Sunset
Dave Appleby, President of Spiritual Interventions, Inc

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Spiritual Interventions, Inc.

Biblically Based ~ Psychologically Aware


My name is Dave Appleby …

I am the President of Spiritual Interventions, Inc., and a retired graduate faculty member in the Department of Community Care and Counseling at Liberty University in Lynchburg, VA.

I found myself moving into the deliverance ministry almost forty years ago when, as a pastor, I discovered that all my counselor training and expertise couldn’t bring relief to a lot of good Christian people who attended my church. They would try to change but found themselves going in circles, endlessly frustrated because they could not seem to find the peace and freedom that the Scriptures say should be theirs in Jesus. They could not, no matter how hard they tried, overcome the things that tormented them. As a result, I began to study what brought about transformative change in people in the Bible. The evidence pointed to deliverance.

All this to say that I’ve given more than half of my life to seeing God’s kids set free from their bondage. We meet several times a week with people who travel from all over the United States and, on occasion, from all over the world, to meet with us.

We also do virtual deliverance sessions with people from all over the United States and even from other countries. We have discovered, much to our surprise, that a virtual deliverance is just as effective as a face-to-face deliverance. Plus, travel costs are eliminated.

God is always faithful. He always comes and does his perfect work. We love being part of it. For more specific information about my education and background please see the Frequently Asked Questions. You can also reach out to me for help here.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is your background?

How did you get involved in the deliverance ministry?

What are you talking about when you say “demons?”

Wait a minute! My pastor says that Christians can’t have demons!

Are you saying that deliverance is like a magic wand?

What can I expect from this?

I’ve seen deliverance or exorcism on television and in the movies. Does it look anything like that?

What other services does Spiritual Intervention, Inc. provide?

Man Standing with his Back Turned on a Rock in the Water Looking At The Sunset

Thank you so much. I may not have seemed very joyful or elated after the deliverance but I am now. I think I was just exhausted the experience. I had the most wonderful ride home. I prayed with gratitude and sang worship songs and wept almost the whole time. When I started to get a headache, I prayed and it went away.


I feel so peaceful and free. Although there has been some unusual opposition. I took a nap yesterday evening and when I awoke I was in the worst mood. And there have been a whole lot of lies presented in my thoughts but they are so shallow that when I rebuke them away as lies they banish without a trace. Unlike before when the lies were so heavy like they were anchored to my heart.


Thank you so much. I love you more than you will ever know until we are in heaven. What you do is so much more meaningful to me than you can imagine. Before learning of deliverance I saw the world as a sad and hopeless place. I believed that God was true, but seeing primarily defeat and loss, it seemed that God’s promises of a good life were too far out of reach for most people. From the second that I started reading your book the first time, I knew that God had lead me to you and that I couldn’t wait to meet you. You are a mighty mighty mighty warrior for Christ. I believe that your reward in heaven will be magnificent.


I want to thank you so very much for this weekend. For you to spend the time that you did on Thursday night was most gracious and even more appreciated. I am so excited about this new journey that I am on; of learning how I can confront the devil so easily because he is already under my feet and his demons are behind me. They have packed their bags and are heading out the door. Praise the Lord! We serve an Awesome God!


I want to thank you for allowing God to use you in the way he has. I’m still absorbing everything and I am still a little disoriented but I do know something is different. I have a sense of freedom that I can’t describe. Chains have been broken. I also have a renewed awareness of spiritual warfare and the power and authority that is in the name of Jesus.


I can honestly say, I can’t ever remember feeling like this. It is soo cool! My head is quiet; it’s just me in there. =D I am still soaking it in and processing, but I have so much peace. There are other changes too. I have already noticed a huge change with how I react to people or rather the non-reaction i have now with people. It is very exciting and I am slowly taking it all in. Thank you SO much! God is so good! And I know that He loves me SO much!


I’m doing well. The change I feel within me is subtle, yet profound. I feel lighter and more peaceful. I guess I expected something more dramatic or theatrical, but I really do think the profundity is in the subtlety. It doesn’t have the familiar ring of a fleeting ‘spiritual experience’, but rather the feeling that things are just… different.


I’ve been doing well. I have experienced a lot over the last day! There have been times where I experience joy like never before. I do feel like a weight has been lifted. It makes me smile. I know that through Jesus’ death on the cross I am forgiven and He has taken my sin upon Himself. I am therefore set apart. The God of the Universe has done an incredible work and I feel so grateful to you and your staff for helping.


I think “disoriented” was the perfect word for my first few days. I was quieter than usual, trying to take it all in and find my place in the family again– not in a bad way Well, I’ve found it and I think everyone is getting used to my new self just great. I think the biggest change is my lack of guilt. I’ve had a few conversations where something that usually would have made me feel really down on myself doesn’t affect me in the same way. I still feel it but I don’t carry it and I’m able to give it all to the Lord in that moment. My family will make comments like “Don’t you carry that one; we know how this goes for you. Just let it go” and I’m trying to explain that I don’t have that burden anymore. We’ll get there.


My life has changed 180 degrees since we met. I don’t pretend to understand exactly what happened. I can benefit from the law of gravity without being able to quantify it, I seek to understand how I came from the place I was so that I don’t return. My wife noticed a change immediately and I felt that a burden had been lifted from me. Mentally I am in a far better place than I had been. Thank you for your prayers, for your follow-through and encouragement. Thank you for being a change agent in my life.


Since my deliverance, I no longer have to live with shame and guilt that were not really mine to bear. God is working in my life in many ways. Since I can see and hear truth now I realize just by being alive I am a walking testimony to God’s power and grace. That is just the tip of the iceberg.


Many awesome things have come into my life. My eyes are open now and I can hear and see the Holy Spirit moving in me. I have released fear, anger, low self-esteem and anxiety to God and I feel free like a child I never got to be.


Much is happening here. My experiences, however, are not what I had been expecting. I rather thought there would be this big and obvious change and instead the changes are rather subtle. Lies are being replaced with truth. Light is being shed on new areas. God is good.


You know, honestly, I have felt different. More peaceful and not really embarrassed or ashamed of my life anymore. I also just feel like I am right where I’m supposed to be and don’t have this sense of being up against the clock all the time. It’s really nice, actually. There are still a lot of things that are up in the air for me, but I just know it’s gonna work out. God’s got a handle on things, and I’m just doing what looks to be the next best step, each time it presents itself.

Contact Dr. Appleby


Thank you for your interest in the Christ-centered ministry of Spiritual Interventions, Inc.

If you have questions, would like more information about what we do, or if you would like to schedule an appointment with us please use the Contact box. I will respond to your inquiry as soon as possible.

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Spiritual Interventions, Inc.

Biblically Based ~ Psychologically Aware

Doorway to Freedom
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